Nondiscrimination Policy
SmartBand provides Internet services to Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs - organizations such as schools, community colleges, other institutions of higher education, and community support organizations) in an open, non-discriminatory manner. Any CAI within the SmartBand service area is eligible to connect at reasonable rates and terms. As a middle-mile provider, SmartBand uses multiple upstream internet service providers that provide full access to the public Internet. SmartBand does not make any distinction in its treatment of customer traffic based on application or content.
In some areas, SmartBand also provides lit capacity and other middle-mile services to private-sector middle-mile operators and wholesalers in an open, provider-neutral and non-discriminatory fashion. Any middle- or last-mile provider or wholesaler within the SmartBand service area is eligible to connect at reasonable rates and terms, at locations where services are available.