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Audio issues with surround sound


DCX Audio Setup

Some customers that use surround sound may experience issues where non-surround audio levels are much louder than programming that is broadcast in surround. This is most noticeable with local commercials inserted on HD channels. To correct the issue the customer will need a DCX3400 or DCX700. The audio settings on the box will need to be set following the instruction below:

  1. Press power then menu on the remote
  2. This will bring up the User Settings Menu
  3. Arrow down to Advanced A/V settings press ok
  4. At the top of the screen to the right of Dolby Volume should say on
  5. If not arrow to Dolby Volume and press Ok
  6. Power the Box off
  7. Power the box back on
  8. Press menu twice
  9. Arrow to setup and press ok
  10. Arrow to audio setup and press ok
  11. Audio output should be advanced
  12. If not arrow to audio output press the right arrow button until you see Advanced
  13. Arrow down to Compression press the right arrow button until you see Heavy
  14. Arrow down to Stereo Output press the right arrow button until you see Matrix
  15. Press Exit
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